Obviously most of tourists who travel to Iran have already visited more than 20 countries in the world. So we as tour guides face to professional travelers who know the deep meaning of traveling and travel experience which make our duty more sensitive to help them to discover the glorious of Iran, with its all aspects including architecture, culture , history , nature , art and food and what is the most important is to help our tourists from different nations to touch Iranians heart, kindness and hospitability. Luckily for more than 90% of tourists, Iran is among the top 5 countries for them.I am Shervin Zarrin Mehr , from the largest province of Iran, Kerman with the most registered sites in UNESCO including its amazing dessert, Kalut, the only Iran natural site registered in UNESCO and more important one of the hottest part of the world. I am honored to share my knowledges and experience about Iran and specially my province as a tour guide since 2013, including group tours , private tours, hiking, off-roading ,camel ridding and camping tours. So please just make your decision, do your backpack and join me to have a different experience.
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Obviously most of tourists who travel to Iran have already visited more than 20 countries in the world. So we as tour guides face to professional travelers who know the deep meaning of traveling and travel experience which make our duty more sensitive to help them to discover the glorious of Iran, with its all aspects including architecture, culture , history , nature , art and food and what is the most important is to help our tourists from different nations to touch Iranians heart, kindness and hospitability. Luckily for more than 90% of tourists, Iran is among the top 5 countries for them.I am Shervin Zarrin Mehr , from the largest province of Iran, Kerman with the most registered sites in UNESCO including its amazing dessert, Kalut, the only Iran natural site registered in UNESCO and more important one of the hottest part of the world. I am honored to share my knowledges and experience about Iran and specially my province as a tour guide since 2013, including group tours , private tours, hiking, off-roading ,camel ridding and camping tours. So please just make your decision, do your backpack and join me to have a different experience.
Гульназ Зайнукова

Здравствуйте, Друзья. Накопленные за время моего проживания в Иране знания по истории и культуре Ирана, помогут нам адаптировать любой из наших туров по Ирану под Ваши индивидуальные пожелания. Я готова поделиться с Вами личным практическим опытом путешествий по Ирану, поведать секреты и рассказать об уникальных возможностях провести незабываемые дни в Иране.